jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Well. I’m doing a major of public service in the University of Chicago, because I’m very interested in help people from the particular problem and I only can help if I know how I can help the poor people. I’m very comfortable studying what I’m doing because I have the strong conviction and faith for being a really good professional.

I would like to get a job in a District as assessor of a congressman because I think they are the people who can do the correct public politics, and if I can I would like to run an election for try win and arrive in the National Congress, I like the politics, is dirty, but if we can do the right things, a lot of people can live better and the country can reach the development.

I have a good initiative for do things, when I start something I like finish it, and don’t focus in anything more, I think I’m a little obsessive but in the good term. Also, I like work in group, I have a good humor and I’m polite, I think the polite its one of the aspect most important between work in group.

My strengths are the polite, the ability for work in group, and a good humor and finish something when I start it. My weaknesses are the Little tolerance to fail and my impulsive behavior for answering something when I’m not agree, also I think one of my weaknesses most important is that I have a trouble with wake up earlier because I love sleep, and in the university I have a problem, because I arrive always  later, when I have subjects in the morning.

When I have money, I dont used it in buying clothes or technology, I spend it in food or buying something for my fiancé or my son, I think, as my mother said: “the money come and go, just enjoyed it when come”, I use it for myself, so when I have money I spend it in the things in which moments make me happy, to me and my friends or fiancé.

I don’t have shopping habits but I like visit the games store for watch the new games in sale, I Think the advertising its okay but in some case the ethics limit's exceeded for make the mark more famous, but they use some controversial elements like excessive naked or violences.

I think I’m a consumer, but passive, because I don’t like spend money when the price is too high neither when I need it a lot. I think the tobacco and alcohol's industries are correctly regulated but the nation need a clear politics about don’t sell the product to kids. Because that produce addictions and the young people are propensity to fall in addictions like, first the cigarettes and later the drugs.

The economic model is the only one who can protect the freedom of people, but is imperfect, I know, so the government have to fix the errors of the market.

The consume is a right, and buying is one of free right that people have, because in other land the people can’t either vote or say his opinion, because are repressed instantly or inclusive can die.

How green am I? well, I don’t have a lot of green conscience, I think people could learn about environment practice in the TV and by the social network, and also, I don’t have the environment habits, like separated the paper of  glass. For transporting I prefer use the public bus, I don’t have a bike, so, I don’t have the way for moving me in a green transport.

I think the green organizations as Greenpeace does a great job defending the animals law, because in many times the progress is used like an argument for destroy all the environment of one zone. I don’t support any organizations because I don’t have or the information for do it, or the ways for donate money are difficult for a student boy who don’t have VISA or the time for send the money by the mail.

If we talk about actions, I don’t have any green actions, I don’t have, like I said before, a really green conscience, and for reduce the carbon pollution, I used the public transport.
I think the Ministerio del Medio Ambiente have to launch a big campaign for wake up the mind of the people, who really have the big trouble with the environment problem, with TV Spots and publicity for whole the city and by that way the people will start take the conscience for a green life. Better for they and for the world.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

During this year, I went to Jaime Guzman's Foundation where I learned about the Gremialism, in the first term the classes was about a lot of subjects as economy, history, morality, the life of Jaime Guzman. that term was easy for me because the mayority of classes was about thing that i knew, because in the university i learned it. Later in the second term, I have choose between two specialities, one was the Public service and the other one Public politics. I choose the first one, because i have a great Public Service feelings. In that speciality i learned about a lot of new topics like the Subsidiaridad Principle, the way of state work, etc. 

In all the year i met a lot of teachers like Jaime Bellolio and Professor Jaraquemada, and I visited so many times the Jaime Guzman Memorial, I watched with my own eyes the work and the papers where jaime wrote his ideas. The last thuesday was the graduation of the programm "Bachillerato del Servicio Publico", was very fun and emotional, a lot of speakers talked and give us they recognized.

I think this was one of the experience that i will remember for whole of my life. If i have to recommend this programm i will, because you can win a lot of, and lose anything, because Jaime Guzman is a great intellectual and it worth.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Chilean electoral tribunal overturns Fernández Allende's mayoral victory

After a spectacular recount of the votes in ñuñoa, the incumbent mayor of this district was declared winner, Pedro Sabat, for six years more. The last October 28th, in the count of votes was given as winner to Maya Fernandez for a minimal difference of 20 votes, but days later the Regional Electoral Court made recounted the votes again, but this time added two polling centres which was not included by a discrepency between the numbers of votes and information in the act of vote.

For one week, Ñuñoa was without a clear elected mayor, Pedro Sabat and Maya Fernandez  were showed themselves as winner, but finally Pedro Sabat was elected winner for 30 votes, being the third period in charge. But the Electoral system was put in discussion because the “Vocales de Mesa” are the direct responsible of counting and make the act of votes, but the mayority of them are inexpert, because they introducing mistake and lagging into the final results. This problem was strenghten by the new reform to the system making the vote be voluntary and the inscription is automatic, so 5 millions of new voters was able for vote, but the 60% of people didn’t went to vote.

In comments for Facebook and twitter, the Fernandez-Allende and pro-right wing followers, was a battle each other, because the painful between both force doesn’t close and heal yet.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

I like playing Volleyball, because my mother was a volleyball player in her youth and grand part of her adult life, so I always watched her prepare and practice herself. Actually, I can’t practice volleyball because I have university stuff to do, but in the first term of my first university year, I went to the Volleyball class. In that time I practiced as 6 hours per week in the Club Mexico GYM with a strictive teacher, I did always arrived to my home very tired.

I have the knowledge that sports are very important for the health, because the life in the XXI centuary is very hard, the people must work, and they work so much, the person hasn’t time for his childs and less for sporting, so I love all the sporting iniciative from government and particular peoples

In Chile exist one massive popular sport, The Soccer. Always when play the National Team of Soccer, all the country id paralized for watch the game, and when our team win, exist one place where the people can go for celebrate the victory: The Italia Square. This place is a historic center of celebrating, always when we won in Tennis, soccer or inclusive some no-sports stuff, the Italia square is full of people celebrating.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


I want to talk about the best place I have ever stayed. It was Quinteros, in the Fifth Region. I was there for the Independence Day with my family.  We arrive the Seventeen of September and we went the nineteen of september, later of the Militar Parade. This travel was when I has 16 years old.

In Quinteros you can find a lot of Beaches and Woods, Like the Falling Love Beach, or the Pirate's Cave.
In the Independence Day we ate Empanadas and meat, we did dance Cueca too.
The company of my aunts and uncles, my cousins and my grandparents is one of the thing in my life that I love so much.

The Quinteros’s House is bigger and has a big garden where my nephews and little cousins can play each other.

I recommend you visit Quinteros because is a Family place, where you can find again the special sense that a Family can have. Quinteros with his beaches and woods can be a excellent place for meet new and interesting people.

You must come and visit this place because it really worth the holidays in Quinteros.